Fat Loss for Life
The Transformation Trainer

Fat Loss for Life

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This guide details my personal journey and mirrors advice I provide to my clients.  This information is excellent for someone who is just getting started or someone who is not seeing results...

Seven page guide complete with:

  • Nutrition guidance including fitness app recommendation with instructions and calorie/macros settings.
  • Healthy low calorie food swap ideas, meal prep and recipes.
  • Training information including targeted muscle groups with beginner and intermediate workout schedules.
  • Effective sample upper, lower and full body workouts with exercise order and workout components.

My story:
When I was younger, I was very fit, active and watched what I ate. Then, adult life happened – with work, travel and family responsibilities, I got off track like many of us and gained a lot of weight. Weighing in the upper 240s, with a diet of poor food choices and zero exercise, I knew it was time to get back into fitness as a lifestyle. I started my journey with learning how to eat and added weight training and cardio, ultimately dropping over 70 pounds! I built new, healthy habits and established routines which allow me to maintain my fitness regardless of competing priorities. I'm in the best shape of my life, and now I train others to reach and maintain their fitness goals...

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